Oman Rugby - Rules & Regulations of the game
Rugby in Oman is governed by the Oman Rugby Committee (ORC), which is responsible for promoting the game and setting the rules and regulations in the Sultanate. We strive to ensure the highest levels of safety, fairness and fun for all participants. The ORC also provides training and development opportunities for coaches, players and referees. We look to provide a platform for Omani rugby players to compete and represent the country at international tournaments. The Oman Rugby Committee is dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for all rugby players, no matter their age or experience level.
All Rugby activity requires management to maintain the values. ORC work closely with ASIA Rugby, World Rugby and the Federation of International Touch to ensure the game is managed inline with their vlaues aswell as that of the Sultanates laws.
Please find below all of the necessary documentation and links for our Governance within the game. The version number listed on the site should match the file of the document it links to, if you find any discrepancies, please reach out to us via the email below so we can clarify the correct file.
If you need any further support or clarity, please reach out to us to ask - info@omanrugby.com
1. Constitution -
The ruling document of what is Oman Rugby Committee, how it is formed, how it is run, how are people elected, any disagreements, financial enforcement, image/logo rights. - It is all about the business side of Oman Rugby.
Each document will have its own definitions section at the beginning, and if not listed in this will revert back to 1.1, if not stated in 1.1, will revert back to the constitution
If a document is designated to a specific version of Rugby - e.g Touch, 7’s. It will be denoted in the file. If not stated, that document will preside over all forms/variations.
1.1 Oman Rugby (Game/Sport) Rules & Regulations -
All Variations of the Sport in Oman. R&R supports and upholds the constitution but details the game and its levels of detail based on the below sub categories (Regulations)
Supplementary documentation from regulations:
Find key files that will support the above regulations
2. Members -
Members - How to belong to Oman Rugby, along with the current list of actual members, past & present.
3. Audits -
Oman Rugby Committee will provide audited accounts on a yearly basis once full established and each season is closed.
4. Code of Conducts and Behaviours -
Oman Rugby Committee has a firm stance on behaviours and encourages everyone to understand, promote and respect the values of rugby to the highest extent.
5. ORC Strategy -
To ensure the development of the game, the ORC has a core strategy and ethos. Please see below.
If you find any issues with the links or come across any data which you believe to be outdated based on other areas of the site. Please do not hesisitate to contact us here: info@omanrugby.com